Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Holy Shit it's 2014

So I wanted to take some time this morning to shine some light on some cool shit that has happened recently. The New Year is upon us, and in this winter time we are living off of the fields of dreams we toiled in the summer and the harvest we received in the fall. I hope that you create and shape this year to be truly great for you, but don't get lost in the semantics. Every moment is a new moment yet every one is in the same present, so become present and take control. 

Heres some cool new things that have been happening:

Lifted Mindz has posted our first Mixtape of the year! Lifted Leakage II is the culmination tape of some of the artists that we work with and vibe with mostly around the Twin Cities but also globally. There are some great artists on this tape, and you can catch it all for free here: 

Art By Dustin Reisdorph & Logoz the Kritick

It features artists like Ecid, Counter Culture, Anitek, Ej, Tyler Nelson and a lot more. This tape was curated by Logoz the Kritick who also helped design the logo with the wonderful Dustin Reisdorph and they both did an amazing job. The tape features some never before heard stuff from the Lifted Mindz family and its free as fuck to download so do it up!

Also, the end of the year marked the Soundcloud releases of Eloda's Self titled tape as well as my Second solo mixtape Too Much Moonshine in the Matrix. Cop em both for free here:

Online download is free, but for 5 bucks I'll hand deliver personalized physical copies to anywhere in the TC metro area or will ship globally.

Also, check out the sweet shit our friends are doing!

Big Zach & Useful Jenkins 

Heres a video of Big Zach & Useful Jenkins, some local TC cats that have been on the high and wise tip for generations of Minnesota Music. Zach's lyrics are incredible and down to earth while floating through the milky way and its real cool to see them do their thing and get love for it. When's the last time you saw a mandolin solo in a hip hop song?

deM atlaS, Bomba de Luz & Xela

My friends Lydia, Josh and LMZ DJ Xela came through with this track during what will HOPEFULLY be the coldest day of the year! Shits this happy sad jazzy number. Josh recently got picked up by Rhymesayers Ent. and shit has been popping off for that dude. It's good to see the homies still chilling and shitting tracks even with the limelight burning. Stay gold friends.

(*sidenote- Dem just loaned me a translation of the Tao Te Ching. If you've never heard of this book, Lao Tzu, or Taoism I highly suggest you check it out.)

Kristoff Krane

Kristoff Krane has released his 8 year anthology. It is filled with 44 tracks of great music from one of the masters of the freestyle art and a pioneer of folky, lovey, feel good, hip hop "for people who need to cry." Listening to Krane is always an evolving experience and can lead to intense introspection, smiles, and tears. It's really great and hes doing a lot of awesome things for the community. If you support the album, you also get a mini doc of him filmed by PCP, another artist I highly recommend looking into.

For some reason, as I listen to this album my cat keeps harmonizing with Kristoff Krane and now he just jumped up to jam with me. Way to move the feline spirit Chris.

We're 8 days in and its already looking like a great year for Minnesota music. I'll try to pop back on here as much as possible and metephorically pee my name into the massive mountain of metaphorical snow that is the internet.